We are so excited to be a part of Giselle and Kevin’s wedding! Grant loved them as soon as he met them and came home from their engagement shoot excited not only about the images but about working with this sweet couple.
I loved reading their story, love overcomes many obstacles…this is a must read!
Enjoy…Giselle and Kevin.
How did you meet?
In an event that could only be mastered by heaven…Giselle was asked to direct a passion play for Newbury Park Academy in Southern California. After finishing the play, she had a few days free and so decided to visit some friends in Loma Linda. On sunday morning a group of UCA students got together for a Easter brunch and egg hunt. Giselle went along with one of her friends just to be sociable, though she really had just wanted to sleep in.
On the other side, Kevin, a lover of egg hunting, had suggested to a friend that the event could only be made better if there was a couple of beautiful womanly prospects there. Kevin had even asked a girl to come with him… just out of courtesy :) Upon arriving at the brunch, Giselle with dreams of taking a nap and Kevin with the hopes of winning the grand prize for the most eggs, got a little more than they planned.
Amongst video games of Rock Band, a fierce egg hunt battle, a bit of tasty food and only a four minute conversation, the foundation had been set. Kevin says he was hooked right then and there. Giselle was impressed but still thinking of her nap at the time. Kevin called that afternoon and asked Giselle’s friend if they would be available for putt putt. Unfortunately, a guy had asked Giselle to the beach and she had been planning on going. While driving to the beach though already on the freeway, Giselle got a sense that it just wasn’t something she wanted to do, nor a person she wanted to hang out with. So she asked the guy to turn around and drive her back to Loma Linda. (Good Choice)
Upon arriving, the girls decided to go to Yoga class and her friend secretly texted Kevin that they would be headed to the Drayson Center. Giselle was a little surprised to see Kevin and his friend Joe at the Yoga class, but hey, it was California. And though she heard a lot of painful grunting from their section of the class, Kevin always seemed to have a smile when she looked their way. After the class, the group went to Jamba Juice on Kevin’s suggestion. And after lively conversation, while walking out Kevin stopped Giselle and said, “You know, I would really like to hang out with you before you leave.”
Giselle replied, “Sure…I mean maybe…I mean I will see. Ok, see you later.”
They did hang out. Giselle was offered a job in California and Kevin did proceed to call Giselle practically every day for 5 months until she moved to California. Though she only called him back about 5 times, Kevin figured he would keep calling because she kept answering.
Anything special you’d like to share about dating?
Giselle: I worked nights 3 times a week and kevin was averaging 80+ hours a week during residency and it was hard to find time together. Sometimes we would get just 10 minutes before I would head into work for the night, but what I remember is that we always had such a fun time. Laughing, playing ping pong, getting boba or just sitting on the couch quickly catching up on each others lives. It made the weekends we had off together just so awesome. The whole time we dated, it just seemed so right, so fun and that God was leading in every way. Though it was hard to date with such difficult schedules, we liked each other so much that it would have been harder not to be dating :)
Describe your proposal.
Kevin: Here is the story of the moment I became the luckiest man alive.
October 15, 2010 on top of a sand dune overlooking lake Havasu in Arizona at sunset, Giselle Handal said “yes” and became my girlfriend. The year that followed was chalk full of outdoor adventures, romantic dates, good conversations, laughs, tears, and love. Soon I decided to take action on how I had felt since the first day I met Giselle, but it had to be special.
With the ring secured I could focus on the second phase of my mission. I secretly packed my bags and flew the redeye to Chattanooga, TN to ask Giselle’s parents for her hand in marriage. To my absolute joy they gave their blessing and I again boarded the plane for the long flight back that same day, all while she thought I was working really hard on call in the hospital.
As fate would have it, exactly one year later to the day, our residency retreat took us back at Lake Havasu. After an awesome day of boating on the lake, wakeboarding, skiing, jumping off the house boat, seadooing and hanging out with friends we made our way back to the top of the same sand dune at sunset. I found it nearly impossible to remain calm, knowing that the next few minutes could change our lives forever.
Sitting on top of the sand dune, I tried to play it cool as I gave her a photo album filled with memories we had made over the last year. As we relived the highlights of our time together I couldn’t stop thinking of how much I loved this woman sitting next me, how lucky I was, and how much the Lord had blessed us. When we finally turned to the last page of the album I held my breath as awaited Giselle’s reaction. On the last page was a picture me with her best friend at the airport and a picture of me with her parents in her home in Tennessee while I gave a thumbs up. She froze, searching her memory banks trying to recall this moment. Then she started to tremble saying “What is this? When were you with my parents?!” You better stand up I said. After laying my heart and soul down before her I got down on one knee and said. “Kathleen Giselle Handal, will you marry me?” With tears in her eyes, she said yes!
And that is how I, Kevin Schultz, became the luckiest man alive.
What is your ring like?
My ring is a eternity band that is a circle of diamonds. I wanted something that did not stick out far from my finger and would be fluid with my active lifestyle. It is so sparkly and classy. It is perfect, he did such an amazing job. The story behind this is that I was quite vague as to what I wanted, just not giving much information. So kevin did some looking on his own and sent my friend a picture of the ring he found. My friend somehow convinced me to look online at various rings and I ended up picking one that I just thought was wonderful, it was my favorite. When I sent it to her, it actually happened to be the exact one that Kevin had picked out for me. So it was meant to be :)
How would you describe the way you feel about each other?
Giselle: It is hard to describe all the emotions that come rushing in when I try to explain what Kevin means to me. Kevin is such a perfect fit for my personality, where I am weak he is strong, where I am restless, he is patient, and when i am weak, he is such a solid steady rock. I love him for all the ways he makes me laugh, for all the ways he shows me how much he cares for me, his protection, his comfort, his encouragement and for being my love and my friend. I cannot wait to enjoy all the adventures in our future and to spend the rest of our lives together. My love for Kevin goes deep and I could never be thankful enough for the joy he has brought into my life.
Kevin: I am so fantastically lucky to be marrying Giselle. When I’m with Giselle, I can be me. Somehow she gets who I am and loves that person. I feel so comfortable being with her that I cannot imagine life without her. When I am with Giselle there is nowhere else I want to be. I am completely content. Everyday she makes me want to be a better person, to be a better man and future husband. I love her for all the joy and energy she brings into my life, for the support, patience and understanding when I have to work long hard hours, and for all the ways she lights up my life with her smile, laugh and her multitude of expressions. I am so excited to marry Giselle and start our lives together. I could not have imagined a better friend and wife.
Do you have any special plans for your wedding that you’d like to share?
Giselle: I just cannot wait to share our wedding with all the friends and family that we love so much and to have them all in the same place at the same time! There is going to be lots of food, good music and fantastic people. And we are going to have it in an airplane hanger, which should be rather interesting…but awesome :)
by Sara Dotson
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