So we decided that this year for the Premier Bride bridal show we would do a new booth to go with our new logo and website. We sat there one night talking about how we might want the booth to look and Grant said he wanted to make it look like a gallery but to do something interesting with wood. Sounded good to me so he grabbed a notebook and sketched this:
We headed to the stores to look at supplies and before we knew it our garage was full of lumber and paint. We called in the parents who were a huge help. My parents came the weekend before the show to help build, and Grant’s parents came in the weekend of the show to help with final touches and set up.
We had a great time at the show! I love talking to so many brides in one day. I love looking at all the rings and hearing about their wedding plans.
We had a drawing for a bride to win a free bridal session and hope to announce the winner for that soon.
If you missed us you can catch us at the Formal Affair bridal show on February 21st.
Here are some more pictures of our booth. We were surprised at how much it looked like the original design, especially since it was just sketched late one night.
by Sara Dotson
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