So things have been quiet around Dotson Studios lately and here is why…we have a little girl! Our sweet Ella Grey Dotson was born on July 19th at 4:17 pm, weighing in at 7 lb. 5 oz. and perfect. :)
We were woken up in the middle of the night to discover that she was most definitely on her way and headed to the hospital. After a fairly easy labor (and an epidural) she came in the middle of the afternoon and has changed our lives forever.
We were so happy that both of our parents were able to make it to the hospital before she was born and I’m so grateful that my mother was able to stay a while and help around the house.
Grant was a trooper during the labor and those following days that are so challenging. He also did a wonderful job of beautifully documenting the birth and the first few days of our little girl.
Thank you Grant, for being there for me for for already being such a wonderful father!
Every little girl deserves a logo…
by Sara Dotson
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